flotation device
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Finally check the design of the flotation device , the structure and mathematical model of the system is modeled .
He rode the horse while inside the flotation device .
The air-sparged hydrocyclone has been used as a centrifugal flotation device since it was invented in the 1980s .
SAFETY FIRST : Since you will be by water , all children should wear a life preserver ( PFD or Personal Flotation Device ) .
Passenger seat cushions on this aircraft may be used as a flotation device and detailed instructions may be found on the safety information card in the seat pocket in front of you .
These substances foam floating on the surface of the water , after the pile of the more , the product is thicker , finally from flotation device to escape into the sewer .
In this paper , recent development of new separation equipment for magnetite is outlined and the influence factors to the quality of magnetite concentrate are studied . On the basis of above-mentioned work , a magnetic flotation device has been developed .
Research and design of flotation cleaning device of paper machine white water
By analysing and comparing the flotation concentrate dewatering device of internal at present , combine with practice of xiqu washery , expounds the new type dewatering device & TZJ96.3 hyperbaric filter , which technical target is advance , to solve effectively the problems of dewatering of flotation concentrate .
It is considered that the air flotation hydrocyclone is a high-efficient and high-speed flotation device for fine materials .
The FJC series of the jet-type flotation machine is a new kind of flotation device , which has not been researched deeply . At present , scale-up design approach for it is only through experience , and there is no systematic theory .